Non-Nerd World Needs More Like Him

Non-Nerd World Needs More Like Him

When I first spoke to Randy, I said that we needed to be educated- about our new TV, new phone, and our security doorbell (which was new). Turned out Randy had been a teacher. He is the first computer expert who didn’t go: “Zingzingzing, understand?” He repeated and then when I didn’t get it, repeated, and later, summarized until, despite ourselves, we learned. Most grateful. The non-nerd world needs more like him.

C. McLean, Calgary, AB

Nerds on Site, Rachapiwi, Randy McGuire

C. McLean, Calgary, AB

When I first spoke to Randy, I said that we needed to be educated- about our new TV, new phone, and our security doorbell (which was new). Turned out Randy had been a teacher. He is the first computer expert who didn’t go: “Zingzingzing, understand?” He repeated and then when I didn’t get it, repeated, and later, summarized until, despite ourselves, we learned. Most grateful. The non-nerd world needs more like him.